May 16, 2012

Lightning Sex

Thunderstorms always get us pretty worked up. There's so much activity, the lights and loud noise. It's like being in a 4D ride at Epcot if you're in bed with someone else. Sometimes just being in bed with your significant other, your main squeeze, or even your hottie of the night can be electrifying in itself .

One time during a road trip  Olivia and I were camping our way across the mid-west and got woken up by rolling thunder and high winds. Even though we had sexed each other up just before bed, the powerful display of energy mother nature showed us that morning was encouraging enough for us to attack each other again much like the clouds were attacking themselves above.

We knew the dangers of being in a tent in a thunderstorm but it was like we might be caught by the wilderness herself. Amidst powerful thrusts we felt the rain and wind pound our tent to a steady rhythm. We tried match with our movements and they set a high bar for us. Not long after did I let off inside her as if cued by the jolt of lightning in the sky. 

Unlike our usual cuddle, we scurried to get the tent and our hot bodies in the truck. At only six in the morning we both felt more awake and alive than ever. Not bad for a couple kids on summer vacation.

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