May 27, 2012

Gallivanting in Undies

Summer weather has officially graced us with its presence. Jarrett and I decided the perfect way to celebrate was to strip down to our underwear and run around in the backyard with our mediocre camera. A good time was had by all, including you, as you're about to live vicariously through our photos.
We kind of have a thing for the outdoors. Last summer we took a road trip west and fucked more times than I can count in tents surrounded by wilderness--meaning no one to judge us when we screamed in ecstasy. (One time we went at it in the car. While Jarrett was driving. On the highway. 60mph. I'd say it's our most daring sexual feat. But that's a different story). We didn't catch any of this road trip fuckathon on camera, but this little photoshoot is a step toward redemption.
The Bulge

I feel like saying "enjoy" is sort of moot at this point because I have a sneaking feeling that you will whether I say it or not. ;)

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